Impactful projects Driving change for social justice and health rights

CESJ&HR conducts evidence-based research through its research arm, QuadExcel Research Training and Consulting Ltd, and has led numerous studies across Africa, including technical evaluations, impact assessments, and capacity-building initiatives in various areas related to human rights and social justice.

Led a technical evaluation on Kenya Electoral Conflict Mitigation and Civic/Voter Education Support Program in 11 counties:

Bungoma,Nandi,Kwale,Kilifi,Mombasa,Kisumu,Laikipia,Nakuru,Garissa,Isiolo and Nairobi:
USAID and Act!

The study, led by the Kenya Red Cross Society and the National Department for TB and Leprosy, assessed the impact of gender, key population affiliations, and the national legal environment on tuberculosis vulnerability, diagnosis, and treatment in Nairobi, Muranga, West pokot, Narok, Kisumu, Kakamega, Garissa, Isiolo, Mombasa, Migori and Kitui counties in Kenya.

Led the Technical in development of Monitoring and Evaluation System, Nalafem.

Technically led in Third-Party Monitoring, OXFAM Pan Africa Programme: The programmes Included: Just Economies and Inequality; Gender Justice and Women Rights; Accountable Governance; Climate Justice; Food Systems; Humanitarian and Conflict Policy.

Led Technical evaluation-Embassy of Switzerland: Somalia Information and Resilience Building Action Programme (SIRA).

Led Technical evaluation on Women Land Rights: OXFAM Pan Africa Program: Ex-post end-term evaluation for quantitative indicators for Women’s Land Rights for Inclusive Development and Growth in Africa project in 8 countries OXFAM International, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, Togo, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Tunisia.

Led M&E and Child Rights consultant on Capacity building-, Kindernothilfe-Community Trickle-Up.

Consultancy Limited (CTU): Capacity build 10 partners on Impact Orientation, topics covered (Meaningful child participation in programming; Human Rights & Child Rights Approach to Programming (HR&CRA).

Led M&E and SRHR Capacity building, Coalition on Violence Against Women (COVAW): Conducted monitoring, evaluation learning and accountability training to all COVAW staff.

Led Technical evaluation forThe Centre for the Study of Adolescence-Right Here Right Now II Project: Conducted baseline Evaluation for Right Here Right Now II programme implemented by 7 partners working on SRHR.

Led Technical of the organization strategic plan working with HIV and Key Population Consultant- : SWOP Kenya.

Led Technical assessment on Long-term Savings Scheme for the informal sector consultant Access to Finance, Rwanda and Zamara Actuaries, Administrators and Consultants.

Led Technical evaluation in the development of Simple guidelines on Gender-Based Violence Management during Covid-19: UN Women, Gender Based Violence Recovery Centre.

Led Technical evaluation for quantitative indicators for Women’s Land Rights for Inclusive Development and Growth in Africa project in 8 countries OXFAM International, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, Togo, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Tunisia: OXFAM Pan Africa Program.

Led Technical evaluation and documentation of best practices for the civic engagement alliance project implemented in 5 counties M&E and Civic Engagement on improved livelihoods consultant: The Interchurch Organization for Development Cooperation (ICCO).

Led Technical Baseline Survey evaluation for Rural Entrepreneur Access Project (REAP) Within the Nuyok Program in Uganda Boma Project and Catholic Relief Services.

Led in data management, analysis, and report writing for an assessment of the top ten counties with the highest teenage pregnancy rates in Kenya; Akili Dada.


Empowering communities and advancing health rights in Africa


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